Hearing Aid Types in Marietta, OH, and Parkersburg, WV
Our Staff Treats Patients with All Levels of Hearing Loss
People with hearing loss may not have the same kind of hearing problems. Some have hearing loss worse than others. There are four levels of hearing loss – mild, moderate, severe, and profound. Pioneer Hearing Aid Center treats patients in Marietta, OH, and Parkersburg, WV, with all levels of hearing impairment. We will work with you to find the right hearing aid type.
Give our hearing aid professionals a call at (740) 376-9980 to schedule a free evaluation. Our Marietta office is open Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our Woodsfield location is open on the first and third Friday of every month by appointment.
Degrees of Hearing Loss Include:
- Mild: Hearing loss is almost unnoticeable.
- Moderate: Hearing loss in noticeable every day.
- Severe: The hearing impaired can only hear if they can block out surrounding noises.
- Profound: The hearing aid will need to be used, and the hearing impaired might need an extra aid.
Hearing Aid Types Include:
Open Fit
Open fit hearing aids are similar to the behind the ear type with a thin tube. This style is good for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.
Behind the Ear
Behind the ear hearing aids hook over the top of the ear and sit behind the ear. A tube connects the hearing aid to an earpiece that fits in the ear canal. It is available for all types of hearing loss.
Completely in the Canal
We mold this hearing aid that is completely in the ear canal to fit the inside of the ear canal. It improves mild to moderate hearing loss.
In the Canal
In the Canal hearing aids are custom molded to fit partly in the ear canal. This type of hearing aid can improve mild to moderate hearing loss.
In the Ear
In the ear hearing aids come in two styles: filling most of the area of the outer ear and filling only lower part of the ear. Both are for mild to severe hearing loss.
Receiver in Canal or Receiver in the Ear
The receiver in canal and receiver in the ear come with the receiver or speaker in the ear canal. A wire connects the pieces instead of tubing.
Contact us if you have any questions about hearing aid types or the levels of hearing loss.